
Nine Productive Things To Do During Downtime

Nine Productive Things To Do During Downtime

#8 - Share your gratitude

Have you ever recieved a shout-out on social media or a personalized thank you note? Then you know how special it feels to have someone show how grateful they are to you. Gratitude is highly underrated. Take some time to say thank you to loved ones, team members, mentors, etc. Schedule shout- out posts on Twitter and Instagram, call your extended family, mail a thank you letter to the person, say I love you to your beloved and explain in detail why you love them, if you are a person who prays offer gratitude in that way.

Quadrant 2 Activities for Bloggers

Quadrant 2 Activities for Bloggers

Feeling a little lost? Maybe just a tad bit stuck? Do you need ideas on what to do next?

Quadrant 2 deals with areas of planning for things that are important, but are not urgent. Activities in this quadrant are for personal and professional development where you focus on your long-term goals. Generally, they are action items that people procrastinate on.

I have a list of activities that you can add to your to-do list.

70+ Quotes from How to Be Here by Rob Bell - Part Two

70+ Quotes from How to Be Here by Rob Bell - Part Two

Have you ever heard someone on a stage or in the office or the classroom doing the work, but he’s simultaneously searching for someone to tell him how good, accomplished, skillful, or excellent he is? It’s as if he’s searching for applause in order to keep going you can sometimes see it in their eyes, this deeply unfulfilled sense that they are incomplete, that they need the strokes and affirmation of others to be content…

If you are looking for a particular response to bring you joy, that response may never come.
- Rob Bell, How To Be Here, p. 147

70+ Quotes from How to Be Here by Rob Bell - Part One

70+ Quotes from How to Be Here by Rob Bell - Part One

Far too often, we don’t start because we can’t get our minds around the entire thing. We don’t take the first step because we can’t figure out the seventeenth step.

But you don’t have to know the seventeenth step. You only have to know the first step. Because the first number is always 1.

Start with 1.

- Rob Bell, How To Be Here, p. 92

60+ Quotes from Blink by Malcolm Gladwell

60+ Quotes from Blink by Malcolm Gladwell

“We like market research because it provides certainty - a score, a prediction; if someone asks us why we made the decision we did, we can point to a number. But the truth is that for the most important decisions, there can be no certainty.” - Malcolm Gladwell, Blink, pg.176

12 Project Management Pet Peeves

12 Project Management Pet Peeves

5. Requiring Verbal Foreplay

"Project Managers don't care about the niceties of social interactions. I actually heard someone tell a project manager that they needed some "verbal foreplay" before jumping into all the work talk. Seriously, while we are asking about your kid's stupid play, all we are thinking about it how long do we have to endure the boring chatter until we can finally ask when the heck your report is going to be done and many times, our insincerity shows." - Melissa D

List of 500+ Stakeholders

List of 500+ Stakeholders

Stakeholders have the power to:

  • provide funding or take it away
  • fill your workshops/events/exhibitions/etc. or leave them empty
  • offer major decisions that push the organization forward or into the ground
  • execute the project deliverables or completely screw up the deliverables
  • manage project team members' progress or allow the project to run awry
  • keep your vision/mission alive or completely skew your mission/vision

My Most Productive Day Ever in 3 Easy Steps

My Most Productive Day Ever in 3 Easy Steps

Have you ever had a day where you wanted to get stuff done but the odds were against you? Maybe a day binge-watching shows and movies on Netflix? Or possibly, being scatter-brained and working on 7-10 things interchangeably in a day? Hopefully the steps below will help streamline your work practice for a better work day!

Pfffft! Resolutions?!

Pfffft! Resolutions?!

I've given up on New Years Resolutions a few years ago because they were usually all the same (lose weight, have fun, save money, etc.). At the end of the year I would feel discouraged when I looked back on my list realizing I didn't fulfill most of my goals.

For more flexibility, I started utilizing __ before __ from the blogosphere around my 21st birthday. The __ before __ list has simply laid down a path for me to follow but I know I am free to stray from this path when more enriching opportunities and possibilities pop-up (or even ignore the path if necessary).

21 Before 22

I was inspired by A Beautiful Mess to make a goal list of 21 things to do before I am 22.